We Know Startups
The Novo Venture Partners team is made up of experienced startup veterans who understand the challenges of building something great.

We’ve helped seasoned executives and successful physicians who are now solo founders just like you to go from 0 to 1 to bring your startup vision to become a reality.

We serve as your fractional COO/CFO/CMO team, providing the support you need to keep things moving forward:

  • Helping to Clarify Your Business Economics (How you Make Money)

  • Developing a Commercialization Plan

  • Financial Modeling

  • Pitch Deck Development

  • Fundraising Planning and Support

  • Sales & Marketing Strategy

  • Business Launch & Execution


Who You Are

Our projects start with where you are, right now. We want to understand your vision, your product, and your development to date (even if it’s just an idea). We know that success comes from understanding, and we want to know you, and your needs, first.

Our clients include:

  • A thriving physician with a prosperous practice, who has the start of a product within his specialty, but needed to know how to raise funds, build out the business, and bring the product to market.

  • A former Wall Street executive, now semi-retired, and working on a passion project in the finance/entertainment industry, who needed to build the financial model, create the investor story, and sharpen the product plan.

  • A seasoned sales executive who spotted an opportunity in their market niche. They had the funds and the know-how relative to the idea but needed help to turn that into a business.

  • An operations veteran with deep industry connections and skills, who needed help to package and promote their B2B software tool.

When it comes to a social media presence, we understand you’ve been too busy for such things. That’s fine…building out your social media presence is also something we do for you.

Who you’re not:
While we love working with all types of entrepreneurs, our sweet spot is the experienced executives and physicians. If you’re just starting out in your career path, we’re probably not the best fit for your current needs.

Who We Are
Novo Venture Partners understands founders because we are founders. Our team is made up of seasoned entrepreneurs and startup founder with a passion for innovation and growth. We’ve been in the trenches and in the Arena, and we know what it’s like to build a company from scratch. Our team led the sales, strategy and execution for early stage ventures in the consumer goods, hospitality, biotech, software, and professional services industries.  And as recovering management consultants, we cut our teeth at top firms such as Bain & Co, LEK and Marakon, and helped lead strategy and investment case development for Fortune 500 companies around the globe.

Its this unique blend of real world startup grind and top end Fortune 500 experience that we bring to every new client.